Victory of the Cross // TODAY'S PRAYER 2/28

Dr. Stephen Marshall

We receive the grace & ability to hear Your voice clearly.  Today we exercise the victory of the cross over every spiritual adversary, every temptation, & over every trial.  You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus Who strengthens you.  According to Isaiah 16:4, The extortionist & his work have been found out, destroyed & brought to nothing by the victorious work of Jesus.  I censure the voice of the enemy in life by declaring, “It is written … You walk after the Lord your God & reverently respect Him.  Yes, you keep His commandment of love & obey His voice.  You are in the service of the King of kings & walk in the divine direction & protection of His royal favor.  Praise God Almighty because heaven is kissing earth today in your life.  Something amazing is happening as you put all your faith & trust in Him.  In Jesus Name we receive the blessing of the Lord for your life.  

Say it out loud … I believe it & receive it in Jesus Name!