Renew Your Mind // TODAY'S PRAYER 2/10

Dr. Stephen Marshall

I pray for you today that your thinking will be born anew from above.  The Lord renew your mind with the washing of His Word so that a supernatural paradigm shift will happen in your thoughts.  Under the curse you were programmed for fight or flight from anything or anyone that chased you.  But according to the blessing, & you now live under the law of blessing in Christ Jesus, Deuteronomy 28 says “All these blessings shall chase you & overtake you as you listen to the voice of the Lord your God.”  Praise God!  It’s a new day & I speak the new way of living into your heart & mind.  Be at peace with God overtaking you with His blessings.  Be at peace with receiving what Jesus deserves.  The Lord help transfigure you into His very own image in ever increasing splendor, from one degree of glory to next.  All of this I pray for you in Jesus precious Name!  Now quit avoiding God’s blessings & receive!