Healing Authority // TODAY'S PRAYER 2/20

Dr. Stephen Marshall

Heavenly Father we thank You for this day & Your precious Holy Spirit on assignment in our life.  I ask Lord that You minister healing now.  By Jesus' stripes, we are healed & right now, we appropriate every benefit that is ours in His holy name.  Jesus has given us power & authority to command sickness to go, infirmity to go, every autoimmune disease to be consumed by the anointing power of God!  Jesus You spoke over & over to “be healed”, to “go & be healed!”  So in the Name of Jesus step into this day & be restored, healed, saved, & delivered.  For this reason Jesus came, to destroy the works of the devil & God’s holy will is for you to be every bit whole, to the glory of His Name.  Amen & amen!  

Tell someone what the Lord has done for you.  It will encourage them, & bless you!