No Fear // TODAY'S PRAYER 3/3
Dr. Stephen Marshall
You are called to fearless living, free from the torment of worry, anxiety, & cares.
Right now I release the power of God’s perfect love to cast down & cast out all fear in your mind & soul. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, & a sound mind so we say - No Fear Here in Jesus Name! As you humble yourself under God’s mighty hand according to 1 Peter 5:6 & 7, the Lord lifts you, yes, He exalts you above the clouds of fretting & worry. In an act of faith & obedience, we cast all of your cares over onto Him because He cares for you. Yes, the Lord Himself cares deeply … so deeply for you my dear friend. Rest in the Lord. Trust in Him now … all in Jesus Holy Name … amen.